Sunday, March 16, 2014

The Movie

I watched Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead again. Jared watched it with me. Again.

I paid extra attention during the parts when Joe, and the Siong, and then Phil, talked about how the first few days were. They said they were in kind of a fog. Joe said he just wanted to stay in bed all day. It was easier to sleep than to think about not eating. He stayed in his apartment (hotel?) pretty much the whole first 3 days or so. (I think?) It showed Phil kind of in a fog, too--kind of groggy and stuff.

And there I was. I guess I felt kind of like I was in a fog. I don't know. I definitely did not get the headaches I expected to get from detoxing. Day 3 or so you're supposed to feel just awful, because your body is working on getting rid of all those toxins. But not me, I felt fine. I wondered if it's because I have juice fasted before, or because I've done other pretty major cleanses. But what I think is really the case is that I had spent a couple of years eating so bad, it was going to take longer to detox, and that maybe it would not happen all at once. I really don't know what to expect.

But watching the movie again really helped me, because this time I watched it with the idea that I'd do the entire 60 days. And the focus here is not weight loss, really, so I decided I would not haunt the scale every day. I wanted to go 60 days so that I would have time to really cure myself of all those things I almost have. And I wanted to think more about how I felt than what the numbers on the scale said.

I have watched the movie another couple of times since I started the fast, and it is always fun to see. It is available to watch on netflix, and it is also available to watch for free on Joe's website,

It is also interesting and inspiring to click over from there onto Joe's blog and read the success stories from tons of other people who have done juice fasts, or who have just incorporated juice into their daily intake. It doesn't have to be a fast! Simply adding green juice to your life can work miracles. =)

(This is not to say that I think everyone out there should start juice fasting, or that that is the only reason to watch the movie. Even if you know you'll never, ever want to juice anything, it's a fun and educational watch).

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