Saturday, March 15, 2014

Doctor, Doctor

Last summer I ended up at the doctor's office for some plantar's warts. It involved several follow up visits, and on one of those visits my blood pressure was a little high.

That has NEVER happened to me in my life, other than at the end of my pregnancy with Kamryn. My blood pressure has always been perfect. I told the doc I wanted to handle it with diet rather than medication--although he hadn't even suggested medication. It was not dangerously high, just definitely something to keep an eye on. I'd been to enough appointments with this doctor that I knew I liked him, so that made talking about diet a little easier.

He suggested an appointment with a nutritionist. I normally don't go for that kind of thing, because I don't really agree with the current food guide pyramid. (Like I can even talk, right?) But I agreed, telling myself that I should give it another try. Last time I saw a nutritionist was in Georgia probably 10 years ago, and I was not impressed. But I knew I needed something--and a nutritionist could give me some accountability I was desperate for. He said to come prepared with a week's worth of food journaling to discuss with the nutritionist. So I set the appointment.

In addition to that, I agreed for them to run all the blood tests on me for cholesterol, diabetes, blah blah blah, on and on. Everything I was "at risk" for. I admit it, this time I was nervous. I was just sure, knowing how awful my diet had been for so long, that I would get a horrible diagnosis.

Amazingly enough, the tests came back and I had NOTHING. So no pills, none of that. Thank Heavens! Literally.

The day came, and I showed up for my appointment with the nutritionist. Turns out there was a mix up with the location, and I should have gone all the way to post (which is a half hour away), so the appointment had to be rescheduled. I was told someone would call me to reschedule it.

When the call came, the lady told me that the appointment I missed was a one on one with a nutritionist, but that was a mistake, that the doc had referred me for a nutrition class rather than a one on one. So she rescheduled me for a class. THAT was a huge bummer for me, because I didn't need a class. Believe it or not, as fat as I am, I know a lot about nutrition. I have spent a lot of time learning all about nutrition. I know how to eat right, my problem is doing it. What I really needed was that one on one appointment where someone would sit there with me and only me, and talk about my eating and help me figure out how to incorporate what I know without going to the extreme.

Easy come, easy go. My life was busy and complicated, and I had started working, so I cancelled the class appointment and I haven't been back to the doctor since. (For lack of time, not because I am avoiding it).

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