It's no secret to anyone who knows me, that I have struggled all my life with food issues.
I was a fat kid. I was a fat teenager. I've always been a fat adult.
I watch these shows on t.v. about weight loss, and time and again I have seen people identify that traumatic point in their life when they turned to food to cope with whatever it is they're facing. And once they identify it and deal with it--get counseling, overcome, get closure--they are able to move forward without needing that comfort they always got from the food.
That's not me. I do not have a single moment in my life that was the turning point where I started getting fat. I've just always been fat. So I don't have that incident that I can go overcome and walk away happily ever after.
In college I really put effort into fighting it. I would work super hard and exercise and do all that great stuff, but I never really overcame eating issues. It's just been up and down, up and down, my entire life.
Two different times in my life I have lost over 100 pounds, felt on top of the world--in spite of the 50 or so extra pounds I still carried.
And every time I lose weight, I always gain it back, plus some. Every single time.
So enough is enough.
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