Saturday, March 15, 2014


Juicing is not easy. First you have to buy tons and tons and tons of produce, and have somewhere to keep it. Luckily for me, that's not too big a problem. We have an extra fridge in the garage.

You have to decide what juice recipes you're going to use, make your shopping list, and buy the stuff. But then you have to wash it and all that. And you have to wash the juicer, and that's a HUGE pain in the neck.

Juice begins to lose its nutritional value as soon as it is extracted. It is best to drink juice within 20 minutes of making it. (One reason why all those juices in the stores--odwalla, naked juice, etc.) are pretty much useless. So how in the world was I going to manage juicing and working full time? I know I'm "just" a substitute =) but I do work pretty much every single day. I decided that at night, I would make 2 juices, and stick one in the freezer. I'd take it out of the freezer in the morning, and by lunch it would be thawed. Not the ideal freshness, but close enough, and a way to be able to do what I need to do.

Cleaning the juicer--I usually just rinse it out after I make my morning juice, and then at night after I have made my night juice and my lunch juice for the next day, I scrub it out with baking soda. That seems to work pretty well.

I also find it easier to make juice packs. I take everything I need for a juice, and stick it all in a plastic grocery bag in the fridge. I make enough packs for 4 days at a time. Then when it's time to make juice, I just have to grab a pack, dump the stuff out on the counter, and use the bag as a liner in the pulp catcher part of the juicer. Works very nicely, if I do say so myself! It saves me a lot of time.

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