Sunday, March 16, 2014

The First Couple of Days

In the beginning, I was very good at staying away from the scale. I did weigh myself on the morning of day 1, and then did not step on again until a week was over. During that week, I focused on how I felt. I remember the noticeable energy I felt one day. I also noticed that the constant swelling of my entire body had gone down. (I hadn't particularly noticed swelling all over my body before, just my hands. But when it was gone, I realized it had been there). I noticed my clothes fitting better almost right away. Not to the point of needing a smaller size, but definitely that they were more comfortable and easier to wear. That was awesome, and it was good encouragement to keep going.

That week we had Monday and Tuesday off school, so I didn't actually go back to work until day 4. I wasn't sure how it was all going to work, but it did fall into place rather nicely. My frozen juice was slushy by lunch time, and it all worked out.

Day 5 or so I was at my kids' school subbing, and I went into the staff room for something, and there was crap all over the table. Donuts, muffins, candy, chocolate covered pretzels--you name it. And it was all for the taking. I didn't really want it, but I did look at it and reflect on what I'd be doing if I weren't juicing. And I just kind of walked out not even knowing what to think. They keep the key to the bathroom in the staff room, so I went back in a couple of times during the day, and it was just kind of weird to look at that table and wonder why food was such a difficult thing in my life. I wasn't fighting to say no to it, because I wasn't tempted to eat it at all.

It just made me sad to look at it.

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